Open innovation - start of cooperation with Things Lab in Albania

Why should we only seek cooperation partners within Germany? Albania is a country that is changing at an exciting pace. It is characterized by a very young population that wants to actively shape the global FabLab community. In short: Albania has incredible potential and we want to help it to be utilized.
The foundation for this was laid with the first joint public event in cooperation with the HRW FabLab (Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfer).
Following a long tradition, the Things Lab Albania ( organized the "Arduino Days 2024" at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Polytechnic University of Tirana. Similar to what the HRW FabLab does with its courses for students, the aim is to awaken motivation and enthusiasm for technical professions and to experience the possibilities of a FabLab environment.
Just like in Germany, the number of first-year students in STEM subjects is currently decreasing in Albania, which is why the universities are opening their doors to the Things Lab.

Crazy machines: per App-Steuerung fahrende Kreissäge

Ankündigung der Arduino-Days in mehreren Städten
The next step, initiated by Prof. Dr. Jan Pawlowski (Professor of Business Informatics at the HRW), is the preparation of a joint European project.
Together, we will expand our cooperation with the Things Lab. The motto of Things Lab Albania fits perfectly with our self-image: "From entrepreneurs and engineers to artists and educators, we welcome all who share our passion for crafting innovation."