What exactly is a FabLab?
"A FabLab is an open workshop with the aim of giving private individuals and individual tradespeople access to modern manufacturing processes for individual items."
Where does the FabLab come from?
According to the motto „How to Make (Almost) Anything“ the first FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the initiative of Professor Neil Gershenfeld. Since then, the "maker community" movement, which some have dubbed the next industrial revolution, has been growing rapidly.
Where are there Fablabs everywhere?
There are currently more than 2000 FabLabs worldwide (in more than 120 countries) and over 70 FabLabs in Germany. Here you can find a complete map and list of all registered labs. Since October 2013, the HRW FabLab has been a member of the International Fab Lab Association.
The Fab Charter
What is a FabLab?
FabLabs form a global network of local labs that enable invention by providing access to machines and software for digital fabrication.
What is there in a FabLab?
FabLabs offer continuously evolving basic equipment for making (almost) anything. This basic equipment enables users of different FabLabs to exchange ideas, share projects and develop them further together.
What does the FabLab network offer?
Operational, training, technical, financial and logistical support that goes beyond the availability within a lab.
Who can use a FabLab?
FabLabs are a community resource to which everyone has free access. At the same time, there are reserved times for courses, workshops and other programs.
What are your responsibilities?
SAFETY: do not harm people or machines. OPERATION: help clean up, maintain and improve the lab KNOWLEDGE: contribute to documentation and share knowledge.
Who owns FabLab inventions?
Designs and processes developed in a FabLab can be protected and sold. However, they should remain available for individual use and for the community to learn from.
How can companies use a FabLab?
Commercial activities can be prototyped and incubated in a fab lab, but should not restrict other users. Instead of just within the lab, they should grow externally and show appreciation to the inventors, FabLabs and networks that have contributed to their success.