Ideas pitch at the HRW FabLab

On Wednesday, an HRW Startups ideas competition took place in our lab. Groups and individuals pitched their start-up ideas to a jury. First place won €1500, second place €1000 and third place €500. A total of nine ideas were presented. As our open evening took place at the same time, it got really crowded at times, but the atmosphere was great throughout the night.
Our colleague Alexander Pierchalla also presented their idea together with Anton Müller. The two are working on a prototype that checks new underfloor heating systems for correct installation in order to detect faults and correct them at an early stage. The start-up is called “Orangenious Tracer”.
In the end, unfortunately, it wasn't enough for a place, but that won't stop the young team from continuing to work on their idea. We would like to congratulate all the winners and look forward to seeing how the start-ups develop in the future.

Photo source: Dr. Claudia Posern