#digital.zirkulär.ruhr introduces itself at Prosper III

The #digital.zirkulär.ruhr (#dzr) project was officially presented to the public on Friday (30.08.). At the launch event, representatives from politics, business and small and medium-sized enterprises were introduced and informed about how a digital circular economy works and how the project can support companies.
We at our FabLab are also partners in the project and introduced ourselves and the FabLab on Friday. Our colleague Lars gave interested guests a tour of the lab, talked about our vision and explained how we are already implementing sustainability and the circular economy in our company and what added value we can offer companies.
Around 70 guests followed our invitation and spent time on our Prosper III site, taking a look at the laboratories and visiting the red square. We are very pleased with the start and look forward to seeing how the project develops over the coming months.
picture source: PR-Fotografie Köhring/ HRW/ #dzr