Sensorica 2024 - presentation for "Potentials for Nitrogen-Vacancy(NV)-Center Magnetometry in medical Applications"

At Sensorica 2024, our three colleagues presented a paper on "Potentials for Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV)-Center Magnetometry in medical applications". Andreas Hennig, Christine Bremer and Thomas Thuilot dealt with the technology of how NV centers can be used as quantum sensors. The group has shown which characteristics make the sensors special. These include high sensitivity, purely optical measurement with nanometer precision and the advantage that NV centers are solid-state and therefore do not require cyro-cooling.
The paper also presents current research priorities and problems in medical technology: Magnetomyography (muscle current analysis) is used for prosthesis control, magnetocardiography (similar to electrocardiography, only more complex, but provides more information), magnetonanoparticle imaging, magnetoencephalography (currently measures brain waves with Squid, will also be possible with NV centers in the future and may be easier and cheaper to perform with them) and EMTS (an electromagnetic tracking system).
The goal of the presentation was to show how quantum sensors with NV centers are potentially applicable. In this way, our colleagues represented our current main topic in the FabLab "Quantum Technologies" to a larger group with an exciting approach and showed what is possible in this field in the future.