HRW FabLab joins the Innovative Citizen Team
We are excited to announce that we are now part of the Innovative Citizen team!
Innovative Citizen is an initiative at the interface between science and society by an interdisciplinary team of partners from Fraunhofer UMSICHT, the Folkwang University of the Arts and now also the HRW FabLab. The aim of the movement is to initiate an open-minded and at the same time critical approach to technology and science in broad sections of society. To this end, participatory formats between science, design and maker culture are offered time and again. New technologies are made usable, old technologies are rediscovered and the consequences of using technology are reconsidered. In this way, knowledge is made accessible, discussions are encouraged and space is created for in-depth discourse. We are already really happy to contribute our ideas and topics to the Innovative Citizen Team, are looking forward to meeting great people and receiving new input and are starting right away with the festival from 29-30.11.24 in Dortmund.
Dieses Jahr bringen wir zum Festival unsere Quanten-Projekte mit und starten mit unserem Workshop „Von Katzen und Computern – DIY-Quantenexperimente“ ins Festival. Darüber hinaus wird es auf dem Festival noch viele spannende Workshops (z.B. Materialien aus Algen, Bier brauen und Creative Mending) und einen Abend zu Utopien und Dystopien geben. Wir freuen uns, wenn wir auf dem Festival auch bekannte Gesichter sehen werden. Alle Infos zum Festival findet ihr unter