Huhu Jens!

Huhu Jens!
Just as Jens always greeted us, we would also like to introduce our first words here.
It is with a heavy heart that we have to say goodbye to our dear colleague and friend Jens Klöpfel. At just 59 years old, he passed away on 03.03.2025. The stories and memories about Jens that we have shared in our team since the news broke are beautiful and let us know that Jens was a particularly valued colleague.
“Huhu” was the start of every message and they usually ended with ‘👋 Jens’. Jens listened to all of us, shared advice and always wanted to know how we were doing. On Tuesdays, he always came into the lab and made himself a cup of tea - the day couldn't start before then. During the lunch break, he would go shopping for himself and his wife, for example fish sticks from Nordsee (supposedly the best). He lovingly gave updates on his vacations in Holland or his two dogs. Only days before his own death, he had to let his “big one” go. A day he had been dreading for months. Full of love and joy, he talked about his wife and the dogs.
If it wasn't about the family, then it was about the Retrobörse. If one of us wanted to know something about old games and what the market had to offer, all we had to do was ask Jens. In the weeks before a market, we were provided with information about who was taking part, what the stand planning was like and what treasures we could expect to find. He then gave detailed reports on visitors, sales and interviews that he had given in the context.
Jens was the creative mind behind this lab. He designed our FabLab logo, wrapped our car in foil, embellished all the doors and machines in the lab with stickers. The websites are his work, he created the designs for them, took the team photos, designed the flyers... The list goes on and on.
We will miss Jens' open ear and his understanding for everyone. He brought the necessary calm and composure to the team and always found encouraging and motivating words. “Forget it” was just one of his standard responses if you got carried away with an issue too quickly.
His latest work, which he proudly presented to us, is the new website for his company. Jens was a graduate engineer in printing technology and therefore an expert in everything to do with printing and layout. He gave weekly updates on how the website was progressing and when it was finally online, he was as proud as punch! For all those interested, here is the link:
He would be more than happy for everyone to see his work. The website is a wonderful reflection of Jens. The drawings, quotes and colors are bright and cheerful, just like Jens was.
The fact that we have to let you go, Jens, hurts all of us at FabLab. But if we may use your own words:
“Hey Jens, forget it, it's not your fault! 👋 Your FabLab team.”
Here is a selection of Jens' work & designs: