CHARM-EU - Applied Data Science Network Event

CHARM-EU - Applied Data Science Network Event

Utrecht, May 15th to 16th 2024

As part of the European alliance of universities of applied sciences Charm-EU we explored the potential of data science and AI in a European context and developed exciting project ideas using design thinking methods.
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Simone Roth and Ines Müller-Vogt (CHARM-EU Manager), both from HRW, more than two ideas were developed within two days at the University of Utrecht, which are to be transferred into EU joint applications. Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfer, as head of the FabLab, will further develop a project in the field of climate resilience and Prof. Dr. Jan Pawlowski a project in the field of digital literacy and the acquisition of digital skills.

We look forward to our European cooperation in this high-caliber and exciting network alliance.