3D printer
FDM printer:
- 4x Prusa Mk4 – 250x210x220mm Druckvolumen
- 9x Prusa Mini+ – 180x180x180mm Druckvolumen
- 8x Bambulab X1-Carbon – 256x256x256mm Druckvolumen, Bis zu 4 Materialien
- Ultimaker S5 - 330x240x300mm print volume, 2 materials
- Markforged Mark Two - 320x132x154mm print volume, fiberglass laid on each layer
- Intamsys Funmat HT - 260x260x260mm print volume, heated build chamber -> particularly suitable for ABS and similar, could theoretically process high-temperature material such as PEEK
- Voron 2.4 Kit - 300x300x300mm print volume, DIY high-speed printer
SLA printer:
- Prusa SL1S Speed - 127x80x150mm print volume
- Phrozen Sonic Mini 8k - 165x72x180mm print volume
- 2x Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k – 130x73x130mm Druckvolumen
Other devices:
- TRUMPF TruPrint 1000 - 100x100mm cylinder build volume, metal laser sinter for processing stainless steel powder
- Prusa CW1S - washing and drying unit for SLA prints
- GS 160100 PR (150W)
- GS 130130 FL (1,5kW)
- Epilog Zing 40 (50W)
- Beam (5W)
Wood sector
- Extraction unit (Felder RL 125)
- Circular table saw (Hammer C3-31)
- Jointer (Hammer C3-31)
- Thicknessing planer (Hammer C3-31)
- Router (Hammer C3-31)
- Chop saw (Bosch GCM 8 SJL)
- Band saw (Hammer N2-35)
- Router table (Ruwi milling table Classic)
- Woodturning lathe (Holzmann DBK 1500)
- Portal router (EAS Versatil 2500)
- ShaperTool Shaper Origin (incl. accessories)
- Belt sander (Festool BS 75 E-Plus)
- Plunge-cut circular saw (Festool TS 60 K)
- Random orbital sander (Bosch GEX 125-1 AE)
- Random orbital sander (Bosch GEX 12V-125 (cordless))
- Jigsaw (Bosch GST 90 E)
- Impact drill (Bosch GSB 18V-60C (cordless))
- Circular saw (Bosch GKS 12V-26)
- Nail gun (Bosch GNH 18V-64M)
- Nanoblade (Bosch Advanced Cut 50)
- Impact drill (WorX WX339)
- Orbital sander (Hilti WFO 280)
- Flat dowel cutter (Bosch GFF 22A)
Metal sector
- Imperator laser cutter
- Drill press
- Double bench grinder
- Stationary press brake
- Mobile press brake
- Universal center lathe
- Metal band saw
- Measuring and marking plate, height marker
- Metal melting furnace
- Vibratory grinding drum
- Trumpf metal laser sintering machine
- Metal CNC milling machine
- Rotary mandrel press
- 5-axis CNC milling machine
- FDM 3D printer large format “Big Joe”
- Surface grinding machine
- Injection molding machine small format
- Stick electrode welding machine
- MIC-MAC gas-shielded arc welder
- TIG gas-shielded arc welder
- Welding table with extraction system
- Three workbench workstations with vice
Textile sector
- Digital embroidery machine (Brother Entrepreneur 6)
- Sewing machines (overlock sewing machine, digital and mechanical sewing machine)
- Ironing press for textile foils
- Cricut Maker
- Cricut Joy
- Cricut EasyPress Mini
- Sublimation printer
Electronics sector
- Mikrocontroller
- LPKF Platinenfräse ProtoMat S63
- Wegster Platinenfräse
- ProtoFlow E
- Lötkolben
- Mikrocontroller (Arduino Nano, Arduino Uno, ESP32)
- MiniPCs Raspberry PI
- Arduino Starter Kits
- Arduino Sensor Kits
- Arduino Motoren Kits
- Oszilloskope
- Elektronisches Mikroskop Vision Engineering
- Nietenpresse
- Hera Elektronik Tische
- Messschieber
Audio sector
- Mixing console
- MIDI board
- Microphones
- Stage speakers
Other devices
- DIN A0 inkjet printer
- DIN A0 foil plotter
- Thermoforming machine
- Injection molding machine
- Sandblasting cabin
- Melting furnace
- Tempering/drying oven
- Drones
- Vacuum pot
- Paint spray gun
- Airbrush equipment
- Acrylic bending device
- Filocut - hot wire cutter
- Pepper - humanoid robot
- Large robot arm
- 2x robot arms small
- Screen carrier machine